Последнее обновление: 12/09/2005, v2.0

// Сайт группы А-08-04 ВМСС АВТИ МЭИ (ТУ)

"I never think of the future, it comes soon enough." - A. Einstein
Fri 28/6 :: MVS
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Fri 28/6 :: MVS
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Fri 28/6 :: MVS

:: О нашей группе
Студентов: 20
Список группы тут
Факультет: АВТИ
Специальность: ВМСС
Институт: МЭИ(ТУ)
:: Наши друзья
HD: 40 gig 7200rpm
VGA: Radeon 8500
OS: Windows 2000
:: Счетчики
Fri 28/6 :: MVS
:: Подписка
:. Сиена дизайна !!!! || 12/09/2005 - 18:31 PM ||

В связи с тем, что для некоторых черный цвет слишком мрачный, сменил дизайн на более светлый. Отказался от фреймов. Использование явы сведено к минимуму.





:. Repeat posts and sentances!!!!! || 27/06/2002 - 1:19 AM ||

Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary. Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary. Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary. Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary.



:. Repeat posts and sentances!!!!! || 27/06/2002 - 1:19 AM ||

Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary. Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary. Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary. Repeat posts and sentances in templates are very annoying, but sometimes necessary.



:. Регистрация домена || 01/09/2004 - 14:19 AM ||

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